Nightshade Intensives

World class instruction, an iconic studio, an incredible community.

Bringing together industry leaders to curate a one of a kind experience, with every detail thoughtfully considered to give you the perfect blend of learning and leisure. Each Nightshade Intensive has an overarching theme, and within that theme you’ll find workshops crafted specifically for that event. Each instructors lessons and the overall class structure are intentionally planned to both complement and provide a bit of contrast, aiming to keep you in that valuable learning pocket of comfort + discomfort. We intentionally combine not only technical and sequence-based classes, but also classes based in freestyle and dance theory to give you a holistic approach to dance education for mind, body, and spirit that will stick with you long after the intensive ends. But the best part? The countless connections and friendships formed!


Hovember Instructors Announced Soon!

October 30 - November 3, 2025


Hali Quinn + Natalya Nightshade

April 23rd - 27th 2025


Natalya, Dalton Rhodes, + Tia Jax

June 4th - 8th 2025


Previous Intensives:

Magnetic Movement with Nesli the Chocolate -

Magnetic Movement with Nesli the Chocolate -

Half Blade/Half Silk with Judy Gray -

Half Blade/Half Silk with Judy Gray -

Feels in Heels with Dalton Rhodes and Tia Jax -

Feels in Heels with Dalton Rhodes and Tia Jax -

Slut You Out with Nesli + Jazz -

Slut You Out with Nesli + Jazz -

Wild Things with Hali Quinn -

Wild Things with Hali Quinn -

Fluid Dynamics with Toni Walker -

Fluid Dynamics with Toni Walker -

Drip with Madda and Nakiyah Chanel -

Drip with Madda and Nakiyah Chanel -